Getting Ready

After our scary school lesson, we went to the tavern to prepare the hall for the bush dance. Corey, our guide, told us we were going to have a competition to make the longest paper chain to decorate the tavern.

We weren't allowed to be too loud or too quiet and we couldn't leave our table, otherwise they would take 1 metre off our chain.The people who cut their paper really thick only made a short chain. One group of girls were very clever and cut thin strips so their chain was enormous! The girls who won were allowed to stay and decorate the hall.

The Bush Dance

When we had all finished our dinner, it was time for the Bush Dance to begin.There were 2 men who played the violin and guitar and called out the steps. We discovered that Mr Marsland loves Bush Dancing and he joined the band, playing the lagerphone. 

The violin player also showed us how to do the bush dances. He demonstrated with our teacher, Mrs Chegwidden. Bush dances are just the same steps repeated over and over, but some got faster. Some of the dances were hard to follow, but others, like the Heel Toe Polka, which is one of our favourites, we already knew.

We had an amazing time dancing with our friends. We laughed lots, some of us fell over, but we had a great time. We were really tired at the end but it was worth it!
Miss Marlee
16/9/2013 09:26:38 am

Hi Marsden,

The dancing looks like it was a load of fun! I heard you did some dances that are favourites of mine.

I'm glad you all joined in and had fun!

Miss Marlee

16/9/2013 10:32:35 am

Hi Miss Marlee
Everyone did have loads of fun dancing but when we finished we all went and got a drink of water.

Miss Marlee have you ever been to Mogo?

What are your really favourite dance's?


16/9/2013 05:34:34 pm

Hello everyone,

The Bush Dance sounds like fun! I didn't know that Mr Marsland (Our School Principal) likes bush dances. I first didn't know what a lagerphone is but now I do! I'm not quite sure what a paper chain is but i'm sure that stage 3 all had fun building one.

What is a paper chain?

From Ramona

18/9/2013 10:51:43 am

Hi Ramona,

A paper chain is like a normal chain but it is made out of paper and sticky tape. We had to stick the rings together to make a chain. We had to make the longest chain to decorate the hall. The team that won got to decorate it. My team didn't win but it was good fun anyway.

Sincerely Skye


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