This Sunday is Father's Day in Australia. Father's Day is celebrated on different dates around the world but in Australia it is always on the first Sunday in September. 

Father's Day is about thanking our dads for all of the things they do for us. In some families, all of the cousins, aunts and uncles all get together to celebrate with a special meal, or activity. Other families celebrate at home with just their immediate family. Some families remember Dads who are no longer with them. It can be a very happy celebration but for some families it can also be a bit sad. 


Written by Jennifer S. Williams

When I scratched my knee,
Or if I bumped my head,.
When I was afraid of the dark,
Or that thing under my bed,
When I cried in the night,
Or even in the day,
You were there for me,
To make it all okay.

You tickled my feet,
And laughed at all my jokes.
You taught me to believe,
In having high hopes.
You are my father
You did what you had to do.
But more than a father
You are my friend too.
You made everything good,
That was once bad.
I just want you to know
I love you Dad.

Source: Father, Fathers Day Poem 
What are some of your favourite memories with your father?

Will you be celebrating (or did you celebrate) Father's Day? How?

Can you write a poem for your dad? 

4/9/2013 05:19:53 pm

Hello Marsden,

The poem made by Jennifer S. Williams was a really sweet poem.
There are so many memories with my dad so I cannot pick which one is my favourite memory. Well, My favourite memory might have to be when I was small and we were travelling on a ship to somewhere in the city and we took lots of remarkable pictures. I loved it when we had a lot of fun except when I lost my toy. We didn't celebrate fathers day because my dad has no idea what it is. I am very bad at writing poems but that didn't stop me from writing one for my dad. I spent more time with my dad for fathers day because he is my dad and I will always love my dad no matter what.

Did your dad enjoy fathers day?

From Ramona

7/9/2013 05:09:17 pm

Hi Marsden and Mrs Chegwidden,

That poem was really sweet and made me realise how much my dad loves me and how special and important he is to me.

One of my favorite memories with my dad was when I was little. He used to be in his room and I would come into his room and randomly ask him for help on my homework. He has always helped me with everything.

He also told me all about his life, like when he was fighting in a Vietnam war and had to come to Australia by boat. He was very brave to fight for Vietnam. He has lived a painful life.

He also told me how he met my mum. Apparently they were neighbours and went to the same school. My mum was an attractive girls and boys followed her EVERYWHERE, well that's what my dad told me. She obviously chose the right boy to marry.

Another favourite memory with my dad was when he came to the Premier's Spelling Bee to support me. He came both years and watched me compete. I knew he was proud of me because he still congratulated me when I didn't get past the next round.

I did not celebrate Father's Day because my dad is a vegan and he doesn't like to go to restaurants anymore. I gave him a card that I made. It was written in Vietnamese, not English. My brother gave him a bag of Vietnamese coffee with a tool to make the coffee,

I could probably write a poem for him in English, but it's really hard to write a poem in Vietnamese.

I'm really happy to have a dad who cares about me and loves me very much. I know some kids do not have a dad and they wish they did. I'm very lucky to have a dad. I never want to lose my dad. I hope he is still alive when I get married. I'm always going to be Daddy's Girl, no matter what.

From your classsmate/student,

10/9/2013 04:48:09 pm

Hello Everyone,

My Dad had a blast on fathers day as he got loads of gifts from us!

My Dad said that when I was little he crashed into a small tiger. Its paw was hurt and he bandaged the paw! We had space in the back and we took it to hospital.

I cant think of poems because rhyming is not my thing! But I wrote a story for my Dad about a White Lion whose dad sacrificed himself to protect the baby lion.

Hope everyone enjoyed Fathers Day!



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